Our users:
My husband has been using the software since he went back to school a few months ago. Hes been out of college for over 10 years so he was very rusty with his math skills. A teacher friend of ours suggested the program since she uses it to teach her students fractions. Mike has been doing well in his two math classes. Thank you!
Ashley Logan, AZ
I like the ability to show all, some, or none of the steps. Sometimes I need to cross reference my work, and other times I just need to check the solution. I also like how an explanation can be shown for each step. That helps learn the functions of each different method for solving.
D.E., Kentucky
This algebra software provides my daughter with the ability to learn independently, offering facts and helpful hints before providing problems for her to solve. It's working out very well . . . I think the software lends itself nicely to helping students throughout the year by supplementing any materials they get in a regular classroom.
Natalie Olive, MO
I never used to take interest in math and always found algebra boring. Time has changed since I bought this software. My concepts are very clear and I love the step-by-step approach.
D.C., Maryland
Thank you very much for your help. This is excellent software and I thank you.
Anne Mitowski, TX
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